Turns for the Best

Sheds are quite dynamic groups. No two sessions are the same. It depends on who is there and how the mood takes them! No chance really for things to become stale.

Staithes Shed today is a good example. We have several new Shedders and it is powerful to see them forge working relationships. Banter then cements relationships into friendships and those individual friendships make the Shed!

Getting a handle on things. A handle for a stick. Grasped avoiding the hand slipping down.

Phil has a session on the lathe to begin to shape the handle.

Tom in the environment he loves.

New Shedders Jim and Keith working together to sand wood pieces to shape a Christmas tree

New arrival Liz caught without her smile! She really settled in today, working with Tom.






Malcolm with a plastic bag beard sits in for Santa in the beginnings of a Santa’s Grotto.

























Tuesday 30th November at 1.30am is our Christmas Sheds Social at Whitby Shed

Whitby District Sheds plus friends meet to reflect on a roller coaster year. We’ll be looking forward too! There’s a lot to celebrate. Later on we’ll be joined by the High Sheriff of North Yorkshire who is also a trustee of Two Ridings Community Foundation.

Turn for the best . . . . . new lathe for Staithes Shed

With a title like “Turns for the Best” there had to be a woodturning lathe in the story somewhere. We’ve been pondering (= sleeping on) the idea of a second lathe for a few weeks because there is suddenly a resurgence of interest thanks very much to good old Keith Nellis (yes he is old along with most of the rest of us!!) and his tuition/supervision of learners. In the past month 4 new members have arrived and all have interest in turning, including Liz (above) today.

We decided because of the compact nature of our Shed it probably be best to get a shorter, tabletop lathe. For work on bowls, the length of the lathe is not important!

So, a shiny red Axminster lathe will turn up in the next week. Just like this!


An Aussie good turn by Labrador Shed for a children’s hospital – courtesy of our friend Len Thomson

Brilliant. Something for us to think about!

What a great outcome.












A message/invitation from Karen Atkinson, Stronger Communities NYCC

Grassroots Wellbeing – how to make a difference locally  
Hi Everyone
Please could you keep 16th Feb 2022 1.30-4pm free in your diary, it will be an online event.
  • It will be an opportunity to hear about some of the good things that are happening at the moment in the wider Whitby area by grassroots groups such as the Sheds.
  • To look at the challenges facing the area and understand what can be done at a local level to tackle them.
  • To look at how we can all work together to make a difference – come out of the event with some practical actions.
I hope that sounds interesting, it is at the very early stages so input is appreciated.
Please share with others but if you or they could let me know that they are interested that would be great so I can send updated info/invites to them direct.
Best wishes

Graham adds that other organisations with the same focus on wellbeing as Sheds are invited to be a part of this (like Whitby Beach Sweep and Decadent Drawing (Krampus)). Also front-line representatives of the agencies we work with).  If you know people/organisations who should be a part of this, please let Karen (or Graham) know.



This is a very pertinent definition

Christmas on its way at Whitby Town Shed

Christmas Shed installed at St. Mary’s

Krampus Kart has antiqued wheels.

Tony distressing the cart. Burning the surface.



Left over from November 5th? Well done lads.


Meanwhile in Norton . . . .

Graham has been busy with preparing a Shed display for Saturday. To make the community aware of what is being worked on. Fishing for Shedders!

A display background to stand behind a table with Shed “stuff” on it. To be used at the Christmas Fayre and at Norton Library in January.

Fabric printed in Germany!

Finally, Graham in front of the Norton Men’s Shed (to be) stand at the St. Mary’s, Norton Christmas Fayre.

Note two things. Graham has a face painting of holly on his forehead (suits his prickly character) and a cap on his head. There’s a rumour he’s trying to replace Jay Blades in the Repair Shop:-)



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