Monday at Staithes began to see the wood for the trees at last, with brackets in place to provide visibility of the wood stock. A nice satisfying feeling.
We received a message that the Northern Communications Officer of People’s Health Trust would like to call on us to chat about the Staithes Shed and learn some of our story so far. Monday September 16th. Tom will have to put on a clean shirt!
Popped into the Staithes Surgery with new leaflets and more of our postcards for the Sheds.
Lovely to see a number of children playing cricket on the field – Ken from the Sports & Social Club was pleased to see them having fun too.
Tuesday at WHIMS saw 3 new men arrive, and the Surgery bird table mentioned in an earlier blog. Demolition job then began making new components based on the originals. Plus the usual gang, plus Tai Chi and Clog Dancers in the main Hall using this folk week. Who said Sheds were boring?
There was a Kidz Making Good workshop on Wednesday. One for the girls on Flower Crowns.
Thursday at Staithes we mounted a holder for the flag on a stone pillar and we began to close the end of our work area outback. Putting in a gate for security.
This Thursday at BayThorpe Shed. Received a gift of power tools from a lady in Staithes. Not used for some years but when plugged in they all worked! Includes a hand held router.
We worked on finalising plans and jobs to be completed for the opening of the Shed in two weeks time on 5th September.
On the community front (which is a role of Sheds) there was the start of a tidy up on the road passing near the Shed with overhanging brambles removed straying over the pavement. A need Shedder Stuart heard about at a Parish Council Meeting. It was decided to get vests to wear when on “community service”.
To end the week on an encouraging Sleights Youth Shed note, Howden’s have just informed that they will support Sleights Youth Shed (and Sleights Eskmouth Scouts) with improved storage. If any local Shedder, resident, friend or well-wisher wants to know more (and help in any way short, medium or long term) please call Graham on 07763 656627. We intend to open in September. We hope there will be a team of adults that will help as and when they can by agreement. It is a worthwhile venture we believe.
Below is the layout we submitted to Howden’s.
Sleights Back Room.docx