Sign Off for Staithes on Woodsmith Funded project

Mission accomp0lished!

Staithes Shed spent a good slice of 2023 taking the Greenhouse from design concept through to delivery of a sturdy, first class greenhouse that has often featured on these pages at various stages. Now the story can be seen in one collage.

The collage was part of a final report Jim and Graham put together to summarise the project to Woodsmith Foundation. It shows every stage of the project and some of the help that came from the community too. 

Jim writes,


Jim, Phil, Ken, Keith and Brian. (Thanks to Karolina)

We have received a formal response from WOODSMITH about the Greenhouse ….confirming sign off from them as job delivered …….so to everyone that has helped us along the way …..the MKM delivery folks ….RDW joinery ….Green and sons ….our landlords …Brian’s digger driver  neighbour we say  a massive THANK YOU from all us shedders ….and to all us shedders , time to pause , breath deep and take a pat on the back for a job well done …a true team effort say we should be proud is  an understatement.

From GRAHAM getting us the grant,  to a concrete base that needed clearing , to getting pallets , to wrapping the pallets , to meticulously fastening feather boards , to deciding the height of the roof , to making to roof profiles , to preparing the door , to glazing the door , to lining the walls inside and out , to creocoating just about every piece of wood , to fitting corrugated polycarbonate, to draught proofing , lock fitting , shelf building , to turning apex fittings , to sowing seeds ….what we’ve learnt on the way about templates , triangles , cutting polycarbonate the list is endless …..and more im

pressive is , EVERY , shedder has had a hand in building the greenhouse , sharing ideas , cutting , drilling, lifting , painting, ….the list is endless …..but not forgetting the shedder who came up with the design …..MALCOLM …..take a bow Malcolm , without your vision , attention to detail , sense of humour we would not have the greenhouse ……from preparing the drawings , talking with suppliers , refining the design , to chalking out the base , you paved the way for the shed to deliver the greenhouse…

I think we need a Shed launch buffet for the greenhouse for a worthy celebration of a fantastic team effort….with cuppas obviously made by Brian.

Whitby Shed 

Marie is advancing another piece in her Hockney-inspired embroidery for her City & Guilds challenge. Steve and Leo hi-five as they celebrate their work on the CNC router. Rob and Aidan worked on electrics.  Tony and Ray were woodworking,/ Betty had a go at sorting out straights on a jigsaw!



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