Shh…. and “Don’t despair, maybe repair”

Shhh refers to The Quieter Shed on a Monday which is planned to open at the end of February in Whitby. The despair and repair is about repairing items instead of discarding them. Fixing may not be as hard as you think.

An active Shed but without the noise or dust of larger equipment. A place with banter still for both He-Shedders and She-Shedders.

Into the news, and nudging Brexit aside a fraction, has come the topic of repair of items rather than chucking away. Shedders hopefully have not totally sold out to that but tend to mend. Below are two news items of the past 24 hours which address the topic. The EU (supported by UK) are pressing manufacturers over the issue.

Climate change: ‘Right to repair’ gathers force –

How to fix some of your own broken gadgets –

Portsmouth Repair project

Totally Socially and the Sheds are considering trialing a Repair Cafe to see whether it is something Whitby folk would support and take forward. Something profitable in terms of cash in the pocket but also to build confidence and social relationships.

A Repair Party by The Restart Project

We are in contact already with The Restart Project, an organisation promoting repair and who features in the second of the two BBC pieces. We met them at the UK Men’s Shed conference and we are in discussions with them regarding leading a workshop for young people to launch Kidz Making Good and a Repair Party/Cafe for adults.

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