It is not a particularly funny time in our country. Give me hope, almost everybody would say.
This morning, in a quite serious mood, Graham was at the fridge – subconsciously looking for comfort food maybe. There was cheese, Cambozola. He noticed at the thin end of the wedge it was from German milk. On the side was the use by date of October 31st. It got him thinking . . . .
On the right is a shot of a display stand at Littlebeck Chapel with pendants on. All items made at SAMS Shed. The pendants feature another thing made at Littlebeck, the Labyrinth “The Big Heart of Littlebeck”. These are Chapel/Shed memorabilia for the many Coast to Coast walkers who arrive in Littlebeck for a sit by the beck and a visit to the Shed or Chapel for a cuppa and/or toilet (depending on whether it is a Shed day). A one stop shop for convenience?
++ Wait . . . . there is news to add this week about plans for a Whitby “Big Shed Conversation and Wellbeing” event next March.
Lots of opportunity for collaboration that helps build our Whitby District community – stretching beyond our borders up and down the Coast. Not only Sheds but also wellbeing which is what most people facing activities are really about. Feel good even when we might be feeling bad.
The good news is that we have a venue and a funding partner keen to consider. The application is drafted ahead of submission in two week’s time. By late November the event will be shaped to sufficient detail with a programme to interest Shedders (men and women in Sheds in our region) and also children and families.
Reaction to this (and it only arose after our trip to the national ShedFest event about 5 weeks ago) is very positive from organisations in our region and beyond. We hope to have a presentation on Frome (which has been featured in recent blogs here and in the Gazette) and Graham should be visiting to research in a fortnight’s time.
The Big Shed Conversation and Wellbeing event (is there a better title?!) may be a step down a collaboration path towards a Frome or Fleetwood. (look at the recent BBC news item in Healthier Fleetwood )
Exciting really. We and others can play our parts.
Back in 2013 a Newcastle-upon-Tyne University study into Sheds concluded,
“A Shed is a complex intervention, with broad aims to improve physical, emotional, social and spiritual health and well-being that go beyond alleviating loneliness or social isolation.”
Multi-dimensional wellbeing we need to be aware of.
Later 2015 report under Cambridge University