Good to hear positive news

The good news is that Ed Horwood’s Pop Up Shed project to help put  young offenders back on track is back up and running. 

Travelling back in time it was the Sheds in Littlebeck and Whitby that helped demonstrate the effectiveness of hands on 1:1 working with young people as a bridge for communication. 

You will see that Ed plans an article that will fill in more detail. Most encouraging.


Good morning Graham and Whitby Shedders

Long time, no speak.  I hope you are keeping well.  I know that you’ve been busy as I keep tabs on you via the Whitby Sheds newsletter.

I’m pleased to say that in early February, we re-started the Pop-up Shed project.  It closed down in late March 2020 due to COVID.  It’s taken many months of work, consulting with NYCC Health & Safety colleagues, my managers and the Fire and Rescue Service, but we’re back on track and fully COVID compliant.

I’m hoping next week to put together a more detailed email for you with some photos of the work done and where it’s gone to, for inclusion in your newsletter if that would be okay?  In view of the marvellous support we’ve had from you and the other Shedders, I’d like people to know that we’re up and running again, despite the best efforts of COVID!

Kind regards


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