More snippets starting with a sad one.
It is sad to learn that Mary Gullon of Sleights died recently, well into her 90’s. Mary was a fund of stories about life in the past and she had a wicked sense of humour. When the Sleights Shed was being established 4 years ago Mary was very interested in its development and understood what it was about. How?Mary lived in a house with an open fronted garage close to the road. Her late husband, Jim, used the garage – with a maintenance pit – to work on his and other people’s cars. She said it was like a Shed because Jim would chat with all manner of residents passing by as he did his work. Mary Gullon encouraged our Shed into existence.
- Face masks have been in short supply not only in the NHS but also in care homes. We have a Shedder from Esk Hall who usually attends the Shed in Littlebeck and we had a lady too from there for some time. We raided two of our Sheds and managed to find 9 new masks with nozzles (still in plastic wraps) and took them to Esk Hall and appreciative staff. Now got 5 more to hand over.
From Roger, a Parody on the Sound of Silence sent to him. The Sound of Science! We are all having to live up to realities of there being limits on what we do because of an unseen enemy in the virus. But there are many unseen dangers that we need to face up to as countries together which largely relate to the fact that our world is a finite resource. Climate change, pollution, water supply and so forth are warnings that we all need to heed. Shedders, repair and recycle!!
- Shedders, keep in touch with each other. Receive calls but take calls. I had a call from “Big Col” Easterby of Staithes Shed. He is in good spirits but in a Whitby Care Home. Hoping we can get him on Zoom or Skype for interaction. I plan to email Shedders who I know have Zoom access for a banter call. I want to see a few mugs on screen!
Monochrome cartoon from one a Dutch friend of Shedder Roger. You can read between the lines what it is about. My wife has asked for the pattern!
** Translation supplied now!
Press release on Staithes Area Sheds from People’s Health Trust
Click the link to open Word document > 200331 – Staithes Area Men’s Sheds[34172]
Support to those seriously impacted by restrictions in any way through CaVCA
Shedder Roger completes a Spuggy Row!
It’s a sparrow bird box that is like a terrace of houses. Made at home to support the Naturalists and the Cinder Track not far from his home.
Here is the link to the snippet on UKMSA Shed Show today about Whitby Sheds action to provide Sleights Surgery with a gazebo to protect prescription collectors from rain. There has been none:-)