
The Festival of Thrift in Billingham takes place in two weeks time. UKMSA is sending a vertical banner to be a main focal point. On the table we plan to have items of interest and leaflets on the wellbeing, health and fun aspects of Men’s Sheds and the banner below…

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Start the week

“That’s great news to end the day on”, said Elaine Marsh. Well, it was good news to end the week on and to start next week on. It is two new projects for Whitby district that are quite capable of being replicated elsewhere in the region or indeed elsewhere (particularly…

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New Week, Nice Day and Encouragements

This Monday morning before 8am encouragements have already started to arrive. Here is one forwarded by Elaine about BayThorpe. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Yjo1bm1EYSczZuVKVE5axEqtMz7KwDZq5QdLvwzNJzQJS96ZgPEaqgkYknGqZKfhl&id=100000691073635&sfnsn=scwspwa No dancing around this contribution Robs Repairs: Dansette Record Player Spurred on by recent discussions of Repair Cafe’s and Let’s Mend It, Rob was encouraged to drag this beauty from…

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