We’ve missed the Sheds. Glad to be back together again.
It’s been a rollercoaster 15 months or more with Covid-19 closing the Sheds in UK and particularly in Whitby District. The positive is that the bonds were strong which has enabled Shedders to stay in touch, including adopting the wonders of Zoom! Octogenarians even getting stuck into that.
But e-friends are not the same as face-to-face friends, although the technology has enabled Shedders from different Sheds to get to know each other. A silver lining.
NOW (end of June) we have been open as Sheds for a month during which time we have engaged in a lot of Spring cleaning (aka rubbish clearance). Banter is back!!
Whitby and BayThorpe Sheds are in quite good fettle. Sleights (Littlebeck) Shed had to close because the premises we used as a machine shop were no longer available and an alternative venue in the Sleights area could not be found.
Staithes was also on the brink of closure because the Sports & Social Club was to be partially developed for housing. That was not approved and the complex and playing fields were about to be auctioned. The site was saved from auction by a “sporting benefactor” locally on a loan basis and a local fundraising is being organised. It presently seems that there will be no housing development involved but a new pavilion/clubhouse is planned and we hope provision not only for the garden club but also ourselves. It promises to be a welcome opportunity for community investment – to benefit the young to the elderly.
SO, WE ARE BACK in business and able to welcome new Shedders, particularly those who are at some kind of a loss, as we say.
This web-site will be replaced by Facebook pages for each of the now 3 Sheds but it will still be accessible (and pointed to) as a source of interest for our history since early 2016!
Here are some photos of the current goings on: