** NOW added video sequence at bottom. Shed action shots recorded at SAMS, Littlebeck
Four guys met on a Monday morning at the end of January. A Shed had been discussed by some male members of Scarborough U3A during 2017, but for various reasons it was considered not possible to host a Shed under U3A. However, the small launch party decided that “they should linger no longer” and that 2018 would be the year of their Shed.
Immediately after the meeting Charlie (not Iain pictured below) started research and looked at the UK Men’s Shed Association web-site on the Find a Shed map to discover the contact details of the nearest Men’s Shed to Scarborough.
SAMS it was and after a telephone conversation, arrangements were made to visit the Littlebeck Shed on the following Tuesday. Littlebeck never fails to amaze those who come! The beauty of the place, the use of a Methodist hall, the “Shed in a matchbox” and the diversity of men (and some women) who are there.
After the initial shock, we sat in the chapel (the only quiet place) to talk Sheds for nearly an hour. Their enthusiasm was palpable. They needed premises, of course, and they went off to publicise their need. The next day a press release was written and Iain Hale was at Yorkshire Coast Radio to record the interview below. It went out on the Friday morning. That day they were with Channel 7 for a video interview . . . . .
Whoosh. They got the message of a needed space out there. The latest (as of 6/2/2018) is that they may have very suitable premises in the bag – but they will announce that when the details have been agreed and the ink is dry.
Listen to Ian below (he’s a model railwayman, btw).
Yorkshire Coast Radio 6:04am 2nd February 2018
A new Men’s Shed is coming to Scarborough but they need a suitable location.
The project provides a place for men over 50 to socialise and get involved with hobbies and crafts in a safe environment.
It wouldn’t be the first one on the Yorkshire Coast, there’s one already up and running in Whitby as well as a Woman’s Shed.
The organisers already have support from the Mayoress’ Community Fund and also Scarborough Borough Councillor Eric Broadbent.
The group is looking for a work space where their tools and equipment can be stores safely and are appealing to all sections of the Scarborough community for support.
Iain Hale is one of the organisers behind the Scarborough’s Men’s Shed, he said:
“Time is not on our side. Remember, some of us don’t buy green bananas! So we don’t want to linger longer, time is of the essence.
In practical terms, if we can find somewhere, I think we’d like to see ourselves up and running before Easter.
We paid a visit to Littlebeck in Whitby, and there’s a Men’s Shed there that’s run in a Methodist Church.
The leading light behind getting that one going is a gentleman by the name of Graham Storer.
Graham is very evangelical about the Men’s Sheds organisations and they are very prepared to take on ladies and gents.”
Listen to the full interview with Iain below:
Shed action sequences courtesy of Sleights Area Men’s Shed