Some Funny Things


The AA have warned that anyone travelling in icy conditions should take
  • a shovel
  • blankets/sleeping bag
  • extra clothing (including scarf , hat and gloves)
  • 24 hour supply of food and drink
  • de-icer
  • rock salt
  • torch
  • spare battery 
  • petrol can
  • first aid kit 
  • and jump leads


I felt a right idiot on the bus!


This is the level that Staithes Shed has reached in humour. Courtesy of Shedder Keith Pickering.

Krampus Kart & Cheque presentation to St. Catherine’s Hospice   (£3146)

From the Krampus Run street collection

This is the acceptable face of a Krampus fan from Pontefract. Last year he turned up at Whitby Shed in civvies. Think the name is Dave?

Make up your mind about this face. Same man. It is (thankfully) a rubber mask he paid £9.99 for at a car boot sale.

Laurence Mitchell with the Krampus Kart. Very largely the work of Shedder Tony Wood. The Christmas Shed maker!

A torch bearer too

Laurence and wife Elaine are the push behind Krampus

Do you remember the 5th November? Surely a guy ready for the pyre



















































Staithes Shedder Liz made a very fitting egg cup and egg cosy for a decorated Ukrainian egg. A discarded part made goblet repurposed and a cosy hat of material and a champagne cork wire strap.














It was a raw wind at Staithes but James spent his time putting up an external socket to avoid trailing leads when working outside.

Got the 3D Printer going. Phil is keen to get into the other functions and do some modelling of things himself

This is Paul of NORTON MEN’S SHED who paid a visit. Norton is at an early stage but Paul could see what makes a real Shed experience

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